Philadelphia Writing Project

Early Literacy

Invitational Summer Institute 2021


Day 1

What is your why?

Day 2

Which practices maximally impact children’s early writing efforts?

  • Tulino, D., Krishnamurthy, S. Fall, M. & Browne, S.(2019) Resisting Anti-Blackness through Counternarratives. English journal, 109 (2), 32-38

  • Vasquez, M. (2017) Writing to disrupt inequities: In Critical literacy across the K-6 curriculum (pp. 37-51) Routledge.

  • Muhammad, Gholdy, (2020) Toward the Pursuit of Criticality in Cultivating Genius, (pp. 116-133) Scholastic

Day 3

What is an aspect of my literacy practice that I can share with others in this ISI? How can we use our work to “Cultivate Genius” and address our students’ identity, intellect, skills, criticality, and joy?

      • Jennifer Serravallo -Teaching Writing in Small Groups, pp.6-9, pp.78-86, pp.103-117, pp. 119-133

      • Ouellette and Senechal article on invented Spelling

Day 4

Why are small groups so critical to literacy instruction?

  • Rivera-Amezola, R. (2020). Preservation and education: Teacher Inquiry and the “family and community stories” project. Language Arts, 97 (5), 324-329.

  • Freire, P. (1983) The importance of the act of reading. Journal of Education, 165 (1), 5-11.

Day 5

How does connecting to one's identity impact literacy learning?

  • Compton-Lilly, C. (2006). Identity, childhood culture, and literacy learning: A Case Study. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. Vol. 6 (1) 57-76.

  • Delpit, L. (2006). Lessons from teachers. Journal of Teacher Education, 57, 220-231.

  • Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). But that’s just good teaching! The case for culturally relevant pedagogy. Theory into Practice, 34 (3), 159-165.

Day 6

What can we learn from reading recovery and support for young readers?

Day 7

How do we create conditions in classrooms and schools where teachers take the lead in making instructional decisions that support the students in their care?

Day 8

Learning more about the NWP and professional communities and networks

Day 9

How can we support reading and writing in the early grade?

Be prepared to share the essence of your final project with the group tomorrow.

  • “Learning for Justice” website

  • Latest executive summary of Science of Reading

Day 10